R – getting string in NSMutableArray : Why it doesn’t work

nsmutablearraynsmutabledictionaryobjective cstring

I have the error -[NSCFString stringValue]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1578c when executing this code
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong
name is a NSString

self.searchValues= [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
   [searchValues addObject: [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Name",@"Label",self.name,@"Value",nil]];
NSLog(@"Array value : %s",[[[searchValues objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"Value"] stringValue]);

Best Answer

Firstly, you can drop the [... stringValue] message. It isn't necessary, that object is already a string. Secondly, you should use %@ instead of %s for NSString objects.

Note: %@ works for any object at all, for that matter. Try

NSLog(@"Array: %@", searchValues);

Trust me, it's worth trying.