R – Good Compact Framework reference implementations


Are there any good .net Compact Framework reference implementations (w/ source) out there that demonstrate good practices for developing on WM-enabled devices?

My main area of concern and uncertainty is with Data Access. ORMs seem out of the question (do they even exist? are they feasible on resource-constrained environments?) and the method suggested by Microsoft (DataSets) just makes me cringe.

Any tips/links/pointers appreciated.

Best Answer

For ORMs, Linq-To-SQL works on WinMob 6.0 and 6.5 if you are using the 3.5 version of the Compact Framework and SQL Server Compact Edition.

This book is excellent and very timely. It was just released about a week ago. The authors do a great job with a very low signal-to-noise ratio and they focus on Windows Mobile-specific best practices which is what you were asking for.

Compact Framework 3.5 book http://img.flipkart.com/bk_imgs/582/9780321573582.jpg