R – Groovlet in Grails apps


How do I drop a Groovlet into a Grails app? Say, for example, in web-app/groovlet.groovy

import java.util.Date

if (session == null) {
  session = request.getSession(true);

if (session.counter == null) {
  session.counter = 1

println """
        <title>Groovy Servlet</title>
Hello, ${request.remoteHost}: Counter: ${session.counter}! Date: ${new Date()}

Best Answer

  1. grails install-templates
  2. Edit src/templates/web/web.xml to include your groovlet
  3. grails war
  4. deploy

I've not personally done this to incorporate a groovlet, but this is the documented way to modify the deployed Grails web.xml

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