Hardware requirements for a Virtual Server


We have decided to go with a virtualization solution for a few of our development servers. I have an idea of what the hardware specs would be like if we bought separate physical servers, but I have no idea how to consolidate that information into the specification for a generalized virtual server.

I know intuitively that the specs are not additive – I shouldn't just add up all the RAM requirements from each machine to get the RAM required for the virtual server. I can't really treat them as parallel systems either because no matter how good the virtualization software is, it can't abstract away two servers trying to peg the CPU at the same time.

So my question is – is there a standard method to estimating the hardware requirements for a virtualized system given hardware requirement estimations for the underlying virtual machines? Is there a +C constant for VMWare/MS Virtual Server overhead (and if so, what is C?)?

P.S. I promise to move this over to serverfault once it goes into beta (Promise kept)

Best Answer

Yes add 25% additional resources to manage the VM. So if I need 4 servers that are equal to single core 2 ghz machines with 2 gigs of ram I will need 10 ghz processing power plus 10 gigs of ram. This will allow all systems to redline and still be ok.

In the real world this will never happen though, all your servers will not always be running all the time. You can get a feel for usage by profiling your current servers and determine their exact requirements and then adding an additional 25% in resources.

Check out this software for profiling utilization http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Profiling+Memory+and+CPU+usage+with+YourKit

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