R – help building castle dynamic proxy


So I pulled the source from https://svn.castleproject.org/svn/castle/DynamicProxy/trunk/

Open it up in vs.net 2008


  1. vs.net can't open the assembly.cs
  2. assembly signing failed

What am I doing, rather NOT doing?


So I downloaded nant, setup the .bat file in my PATH so it works in cmd prompt.

I ran:

nant default.build

Getting this error:

build failed, \buildscripts\common-project.xml (48,3)
invalid element . Unknown task or datatype.

How exactly do I build the dynamicProxy project now?

This is what I did, see screenshot:

oh and my nant is:

@echo off
"E:\dev\tools\nant-bin\nant-0.86-nightly-2009-05-05\bin\Nant.exe" %*

http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5623/castlebuildscreenshot.png http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5623/castlebuildscreenshot.png

Best Answer

You can read the FM (how to build.txt). :)

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