R – How best to add classes to the structure of the silverlight project + website


I am working on a silverlight 3 site using expression blend 3 (silverlight project + website option in expression blend).

I need to add some business logic for the controls to consume (eg get ints for my gauges to pick up). If I add code to the class library, I cannot use all the namespaces and types – I assume because of the CoreCLR's limitations.

If I add the classes to the website itself, then I can see all the types but I can't seem to find/call the classes despite visibility levels and references all being added and correct (namespace … is all correct).

What is the recommended way of adding logic to the structure of my project? If I add a completely seperate class library (say for example using Visual Studio) and then make services for my controls to use to consume the class library's features, can I see all types/namespaces in the framework?


Best Answer

If you add a standard library project you will not be able to use it inside Silverlight, if you add a Silverlight library project you will have the same limitations that you are finding in the Silverlight app itself.

Your logic, if you need it to run clientside in the Silverlight app, will have to limit itself to what is available in the Silverlight versions of the .NET libraries. However this still represents a significant coverage of the standard .NET libraries especially from the perspective of clientside UI application.

What specific .NET libraries are you unable to access?

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