R – how can I write a generic property modification function in Flex/Actionscript3

actionscript-3apache-flexevent handlingeventsflexbuilder

I'm new to Flex, although not new to programming. I want to write a generic event handler that will be called by all my textinput boxes when they receive focus. When they have focus, I want to change the colour of the textinput box. When they lose focus, I want to restore the "inactive" color profile. I could write an ActionScript event handler for each textinput box, but we all know that's lame. :o) What I need, then, is a way to access the object which is calling the event handler.

In Delphi, I'd have written a function which passes in the Sender object, allowing me to access the calling object's properties. I'm guessing ActionScript/Flex has a completely different architecture, which is why I'm having difficulty doing this.

Thanks in anticipation!

Best Answer

You should subclass TextInput and handle the focus events in there. I think this would be the simplest way to achieve what you are looking for without having any complex code.

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