How dangerous is it to access an array out of bounds


How dangerous is accessing an array outside of its bounds (in C)? It can sometimes happen that I read from outside the array (I now understand I then access memory used by some other parts of my program or even beyond that) or I am trying to set a value to an index outside of the array. The program sometimes crashes, but sometimes just runs, only giving unexpected results.

Now what I would like to know is, how dangerous is this really? If it damages my program, it is not so bad. If on the other hand it breaks something outside my program, because I somehow managed to access some totally unrelated memory, then it is very bad, I imagine.
I read a lot of 'anything can happen', 'segmentation might be the least bad problem', 'your hard disk might turn pink and unicorns might be singing under your window', which is all nice, but what is really the danger?

My questions:

  1. Can reading values from way outside the array damage anything
    apart from my program? I would imagine just looking at things does
    not change anything, or would it for instance change the 'last time
    opened' attribute of a file I happened to reach?
  2. Can setting values way out outside of the array damage anything apart from my
    program? From this
    Stack Overflow question I gather that it is possible to access
    any memory location, that there is no safety guarantee.
  3. I now run my small programs from within XCode. Does that
    provide some extra protection around my program where it cannot
    reach outside its own memory? Can it harm XCode?
  4. Any recommendations on how to run my inherently buggy code safely?

I use OSX 10.7, Xcode 4.6.

Best Answer

As far as the ISO C standard (the official definition of the language) is concerned, accessing an array outside its bounds has "undefined behavior". The literal meaning of this is:

behavior, upon use of a nonportable or erroneous program construct or of erroneous data, for which this International Standard imposes no requirements

A non-normative note expands on this:

Possible undefined behavior ranges from ignoring the situation completely with unpredictable results, to behaving during translation or program execution in a documented manner characteristic of the environment (with or without the issuance of a diagnostic message), to terminating a translation or execution (with the issuance of a diagnostic message).

So that's the theory. What's the reality?

In the "best" case, you'll access some piece of memory that's either owned by your currently running program (which might cause your program to misbehave), or that's not owned by your currently running program (which will probably cause your program to crash with something like a segmentation fault). Or you might attempt to write to memory that your program owns, but that's marked read-only; this will probably also cause your program to crash.

That's assuming your program is running under an operating system that attempts to protect concurrently running processes from each other. If your code is running on the "bare metal", say if it's part of an OS kernel or an embedded system, then there is no such protection; your misbehaving code is what was supposed to provide that protection. In that case, the possibilities for damage are considerably greater, including, in some cases, physical damage to the hardware (or to things or people nearby).

Even in a protected OS environment, the protections aren't always 100%. There are operating system bugs that permit unprivileged programs to obtain root (administrative) access, for example. Even with ordinary user privileges, a malfunctioning program can consume excessive resources (CPU, memory, disk), possibly bringing down the entire system. A lot of malware (viruses, etc.) exploits buffer overruns to gain unauthorized access to the system.

(One historical example: I've heard that on some old systems with core memory, repeatedly accessing a single memory location in a tight loop could literally cause that chunk of memory to melt. Other possibilities include destroying a CRT display, and moving the read/write head of a disk drive with the harmonic frequency of the drive cabinet, causing it to walk across a table and fall onto the floor.)

And there's always Skynet to worry about.

The bottom line is this: if you could write a program to do something bad deliberately, it's at least theoretically possible that a buggy program could do the same thing accidentally.

In practice, it's very unlikely that your buggy program running on a MacOS X system is going to do anything more serious than crash. But it's not possible to completely prevent buggy code from doing really bad things.