R – How do restrict access to a class property to only within the same namespace


How do restrict access to a class property to within the same namespace? Consider the following class. The Content class cannot Publish itself, instead the ContentService class
will do a few things before changing the state to published.

public class Content : Entity, IContent
        public string Introduction { get; set; }

        public string Body { get; set; }

        public IList<Comment> Comments { get; set; }

        public IList<Image> Images { get; private set; }

        public State Status { get; } 

public class ContentService
        public IContent Publish(IContent article)
            //Perform some biz rules before publishing   
            article.Status = State.Published;
            return article;

How can i make it so only the ContentService class can change the state of the article?

Are there any deisng patterns to help me deal with this?

Best Answer

Java has the notion of "package visible" or "package private". This is in fact the default for anything where you don't specify a visibility (private or public). For some reason, almost no one ever uses this.

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