How does one define a default style for a custom Flex component


I'm creating a new Flex component (Flex 3). I'd like it to have a default style. Is there a naming convention or something for my .cs file to make it the default style? Am I missing something?

Best Answer

Christian's right about applying the CSS, but if you're planning on using the component in a library across projects, you're gonna want to write a default css file for that library. Here's how you do it:

  1. Create a css file called "defaults.css" (Only this file name will work!) and put it at the top level under the "src" folder of your library. If the css file references any assets, they have to be under "src" as well.
  2. (IMPORTANT!) Go to library project's Properties > Flex Library Build Path > Assets and include the css file and all assets.

That's how the Adobe team sets up all their default styles, now you can do it too. Just figured this out- huge

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