Wpf – How get a WPF Datagrid with cells that wrap text instead of truncating it


What must be done to get a WPF DataGrid with cells that wrap text instead of truncating it?

Right now when a text is bigger and don't fit in a column the text is truncated and users can't see it value cos the DataGrid's IsReadOnly property is true. What I want is that the text in cells be wrapped and the cell height (NO CELL WIDTH) increased the amount needed to show all the text.

Best Answer

Thanks for your help @H.B., this did the trick for me (alignment is optional):

    <DataGridTextColumn Header="Wrapped & centered" Binding="{Binding field}">
                 <Setter Property="TextBlock.TextWrapping" Value="Wrap" />
                 <Setter Property="TextBlock.TextAlignment" Value="Center"/>