R – How is the ExcludeFromBuild itemgroup supposed to work in Web Deployment Projects


I added an ItemGroup for ExcludeFromBuild items in the PreBuild target in my Web Deployment project:

  <ExcludeFromBuild Include="$(SourceWebPhysicalPath)\Test\**\*.*" />

After the build the assembly in the output still contains the compiled classes from the files in ~/Test. That's not what I expected.

Here is a snippet from Using Web Deployment Projects with Visual Studio 2005 on MSDN:

For example, by adding the following
section to a Web
Deployment project, you can exclude
the Test and Images folder from the
build process:

 <ExcludeFromBuild Include="$(SourceWebPhysicalPath)\Test\**\*.*"/>
 <ExcludeFromBuild  Include="$(SourceWebPhysicalPath)\Images\**\*.*"/>

This is useful if you have test code
in the Web site project that should
not be included in the staging or
release builds.

Seems not work that way for me though. Am I missing something obvious?

Best Answer

Never mind, I have found the problem. The ExcludeFromBuild item group is evaluated in the _CopyBeforeBuild target, which is called before the BeforeBuild target.
