R – How is your Development Environment Set up


Curious to know how people set up their personal and/or work development environment, in terms of:

Do you just have all of your developer tools (for example Visual Studio, SSMS, etc.) installed on your main operating system;
Do you use Virtual Machines to have a separate "clean" dev environment that consists only of the OS and one compiler you're working with;
Do you have multiple OS's in a multi-boot system;
Do you remote connect to a separate machine with your developer tools installed on there

Best Answer

It all depends on the type of the job i guess. Here is how my setup is:

  1. The main PC. The one on my desk. Has everything on it.
  2. The secondary machine. Runs Vista.
  3. A bunch of "Clean" VMs for testing. Typically 2 machines of each OS we support.
  4. A build machine. VM with no installed product. Just source code and some compilers.
  5. A dedicated "Server" to host the server app and the DB. [Our product is a client-server thingy]

[On top of that, my primary and sec machines have the server and DB running too.]

EDIT: By "clean" i mean that they only have a freshly installed OS on them, nothing else. These are non-persistent and go back to clean state on shutdown.