R – How set background of row dynamic using flex


Look my source:

  • Template:


<mx:Script source="ListStatus.as" />

<!-- Template -->
<mx:DataGrid id="grid" width="100%" height="100%" doubleClick="editRecord();">
    <mx:columns  >
        <mx:DataGridColumn width="30" resizable="false" draggable="false">
                    <mx:LinkButton icon="@Embed('assets/img/delete.png')" click="outerDocument.deleteRecord(event);" />
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Nome" dataField="name" />
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Nome de exibição" dataField="displayName" />
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Cor" dataField="color" />            


  • ActionScript:

import fuel.Ajax;
import fuel.IModule;
import fuel.window.Window;

import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
import mx.modules.ModuleLoader;

public var win:Window;

* Constructor
* Get data from turbo gears controller
public function init():void
Ajax.requestJSON('/access/status/getList', {}, function (obj:Object):void {
grid.dataProvider = obj.results;

* Call form to edit record
public function editRecord():void

try {
} catch(e:Error) {
    Alert.show("Você deve selecionar um registro válido", "Atenção");

var module:ModuleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
module.url = "access/CreateStatus.swf";
module.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
module.addEventListener( ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady );

var title_bar:String = "Edição de Status (" + grid.selectedItem.id + ")";

if( this.window ){
    win = this.window.openChild(title_bar, module, 410, 250);
} else {
    win = (parentApplication as Admin).winManager.openWindow(title_bar, module, 410, 250);


* Call controller to delete record
private function actionDeleteRecord( resp:Object ):void
if( resp.detail == Alert.YES ){
grid.enabled = false;

    Ajax.requestJSON( "/access/status/delete", { 'id' : grid.selectedItem.id }, function( obj:Object ):void {
        if (obj.error == false) {
            Alert.show("Registro deletado com sucesso", "Confirmação");
        } else {
            Alert.show(obj.msg, "Erro");


    grid.enabled = true;


* Call request to delete record
public function deleteRecord( event : Event ):void
Alert.show("Esta operação NÃO poderá ser desfeita.\nDeseja mesmo remover o status \""+grid.selectedItem.displayName+"\"?", "Confirmação", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, actionDeleteRecord );

public function onModuleReady( event:ModuleEvent ):void
var loader:ModuleLoader = event.target as ModuleLoader;

var m:* = loader.child as IModule;
if( m ) m.addEventListener( Event.RENDER, function runModule(e:Event):void{
    m.window = win;                 
    m.removeEventListener( Event.RENDER, runModule );


I need set background of row using the value of color how exists in dataProvider.

Sorry for my ignorance, this is my first project using flex.


Best Answer

The solution is to make a class that extends DataGrid and override the drawRowBackground method, which is responsible for drawing a colored rectangle behind the row items.

The drawRowBackground method is passed a default color, as well as the index of your current data item, so you can retrieve the current item, grab a custom color property from it, and pass that color into the super.drawRowBackground() call.

override protected function drawRowBackground(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, 
                                                y:Number, height:Number,
                                                color:uint, dataIndex:int):void 
    if (dataIndex < dataProvider.length && dataProvider[dataIndex])
        color = dataProvider[dataIndex].color;
    super.drawRowBackground(s, rowIndex, y, height, color, dataIndex);
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