Objective-c – How to access variables from another class

classcocoaimportobjective c

There is probably a very simple solution for this but I can't get it working.

I have got multiple classes in my Cocoa file. In one of the classes class1 I create a variable that I need to use in another class class2 as well. Is there a simple way to import this variable in class2?

Best Answer

You can either make the variable public, or make it into a property. For example, to make it public:

@interface Class1
    int var;
// methods...

// Inside a Class2 method:
Class1 *obj = ...;
obj->var = 3;

To make it a property:

@interface Class1
    int var;  // @protected by default
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) int var;
// methods...

@implementation Class1
@synthesize var;

// Inside a Class2 method:
Class1 *obj = ...;
obj.var = 3;  // implicitly calls [obj setVar:3]
int x = obj.var;  // implicitly calls x = [obj var];