R – How to add additional tables in DashCommerce 2 using SubSonic 2.0.3


I've inherited an website that is base on

  • DashCommerce 2
  • SubSonic 2.0.3

I wish to add some customfields to the project however cannot find .tt files. Also there is not option to "run tool"

Did SubSonic 2.0.3 use .tt files? I'm assuming .tt = t4?

I don't seen any active record .dll's in the bin.

Best Answer

Ok, so I need to use subcommander to generate this files. Rob's made a nice screencast

This has created new issues as i can't seem to install subsonic tools 2.03 from here i'm Win7 , VS2008

  1. Does anyone have the 2.03 sonic.exe?

  2. Also, i see dashcommerce has 3 generated directories

    • Controllers
    • Models
    • Utilies

I'm not sure how to generated these different kinds of classes.