How to add relative paths to FlexBuilder’s build path


Is there a way to add entries to FlexBuilder's build path that are relative?

I'm going to have multiple projects that will use a shared codebase, but I'm having trouble getting them to reference that shared code. I can do it with absolute paths, but that isn't going to work well. This code (and the projects) are going into sourcecontrol, and other people on my team probably don't have the repositories in the same place on their harddrive as I do. So, while the paths defined may work on my machine, it won't on the other developers' machines.

FlexBuilder's UI wouldn't let me input a relative path. I tried modifying the .project and .actionScriptProperties files manually to add the relative paths, but then the project fails to open.

Best Answer

I'd personally set up an svn external in my libs folder of the flex project root. Then I'd add a reference to the source path by going to {ROOT_PROJECT_FOLDER}>Properties>Flex Build Path>Source Path> Add Folder - then add the libs folder (which should then be relative to your project). Hopefully then on every new checkout you should get the external library and have the correct references for the project. It is a bit fiddly to get this right but you get there in the end.