R – how to automate or facilitate multiplatform build/test before committing

build-automationcontinuous integrationcruisecontrolpre-commit

Our software is built on linux and windows platforms. Depending on the preference of the developer a contribution is developed and tested on either platform and then committed to our subversion repository. It then turns out that the contribution doesn't build on the other platform, and a fix has to be made. The fix on the other platform may again break the build on the original platform, and so on.

I'd rather see that a contribution is built (and regression tested) on the other platform as well before being committed. We have a continuous build server (CruiseControl), but that server builds from the repository. I am looking for a solution where the continuous build server builds on the other platform as a pre-commit check and then commits the stuff if the build and test succeed.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Matheiu Godlewski has made a good suggestion at the CruiseControl wiki

If you combine his suggestion with the veto element, I think you should be set.

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