How to clear TFS server knowledge of the local version

tfsversion control

Our build person was having issues compiling some source code that is checked into our TFS instance.

I was working on some changes that I was not ready to check in so I made a manual backup of my local folder and deleted the contents of my local folder. Then I did a "Get Latest – Specific Version , with overwrite" to ensure I got the latest. And made sure it compiled (it did, the issue was a setup issue on the build machine).

So now if I manually rename folders locally to go back to my version I have the problem that TFS thinks I have all the latest source … which I don't. Files were changed by another developer but since I did a "Get Latest – Specific Version , with overwrite" it considers my code to be completely up to date.


  • Can some how 'tell' tfs that my local versions are not that latest?
    (I'm thinking that I might to do this with a TFS cmd line util but not really sure which one)

  • Was there a different way I should have done this?


Best Answer

You could delete/remove your local workspace.

Source Control Explorer -> Workspace dropdown -> Workspaces -> Remove