R – How to configure visual studio to use the code view as the default view for Webservices

visual studioweb services

When you double click on a class (in 'solution explorer')… if that class happens to be an .asmx.cs webservice… then you get this…

To add components to your class, drag
them from the Toolbox and use
the Properties window to set their
properties. To create methods and
events for your class, click here
to switch to code view.

…it's a 'visual design surface' for webservices.

(Who actually uses that surface to write webservices?)

So what I want to know, how do I configure visual studio to never show me that design view?

Or at least, to show me the code view by default?

Best Answer

You can set the default editor for any given file type (.cs, .xml, .xsd, etc). To change the default editor for a given type:

  1. Right-click a file of that type in your project, and select "Open With..."
  2. Select your preferred editor. You may want "CSharp Editor".
  3. Click "Set as Default".

I don't see the behavior you see with web services, but this should work with all file types in Visual Studio.