How to convert a Groovy String collection to a Java String Array


I'm trying to call a methond on a Java class from a Groovy class. The Java method has a String array as a parameter, and I have a collection of Strings in my Groovy class. How do I convert the Groovy collection to a Java String array?

Java Method:

public class SomeJavaClass{
  public void helpDoSomething(String[] stuff){


Groovy code

class SomeGroovyClass {
  def data = ["a", "b", "c"]

  def doSomething = {
    def javaClass = new SomeJavaClass()
    javaClass(data) //Groovy passes ArrayList, Java class expects String[] ???

Best Answer

To be correct, def data = ["a","b","c"] it is a List, not an array.

Just try casting like this:

def data = ["a","b","c"] as String[]