Xml – How to count distinct values in a node


How to count distinct values in a node in XSLT?

Example: I want to count the number of existing countries in Country nodes, in this case, it would be 3.


Best Answer

If you have a large document, you probably want to use the "Muenchian Method", which is usually used for grouping, to identify the distinct nodes. Declare a key that indexes the things you want to count by the values that are distinct:

<xsl:key name="artists-by-country" match="Artist_by_Country" use="Country" />

Then you can get the <Artist_by_Country> elements that have distinct countries using:

    [generate-id(.) =
     generate-id(key('artists-by-country', Country)[1])]

and you can count them by wrapping that in a call to the count() function.

Of course in XSLT 2.0, it's as simple as

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