Twitter-bootstrap – How to create a printable Twitter-Bootstrap page


I'm using Twitter-Bootstrap and I need to be able to print the page the way it looks on the browser. I'm able to print other pages made with Twitter-Bootstrap just fine but I can't seem to print my page that uses purely Twitter-Bootstrap. Am I missing a tag somewhere?

Official TB page when printed:
Twitter Bootstrap Page

My page when printed:
enter image description here

What my page actually looks like:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Bootstrap 3.2 update: (current release)

Current stable Bootstrap version is 3.2.0.
With version 3.2 visible-print deprecated, so you should use like this:

Class                        Browser    Print
.visible-print-block         Hidden        Visible (as block)
.visible-print-inline        Hidden        Visible (as inline)
.visible-print-inline-block  Hidden        Visible (as inline-block)
.hidden-print                Visible       Hidden

Bootstrap 3 update:

Print classes are now in documents:

Similar to the regular responsive classes,
       use these for toggling content for print.

Class            Browser    Print
.visible-print   Hidden     Visible
.hidden-print    Visible    Hidden

Bootstrap 2.3.1 version:

After adding bootstrap.css file into your HTML,
Find the parts that you don't want to print and add hidden-print class into tags. Because css file includes this:

@media print {
  .visible-print  { display: inherit !important; }
  .hidden-print   { display: none !important; }