R – How to create a SharePoint feature that adds Web Part Pages to a Document Library


I need to create a SharePoint feature that will create some content pages. I know how to create a ListInstance element for a Document Library, but how can I add web part pages to the list?

I have created some pages with the Web UI (_layouts/spcf.aspx), but how can I use them in my ListInstance? Is there a way to export this content and use it in my feature? Or is there a different way I should approach this?

Best Answer

A while ago I did something similar but then with Publishing Pages. Using a Feature I was provisioning Publishing Pages to the Pages library. Although it's not exactly the case you've described it might give you some idea of how to approach it. I have described my findings on my blog @ http://blog.mastykarz.nl/provisioning-publishing-pages-features-declarative-markup/