Windows – How to create a transparent window with non-transparent child controls (or child windows)


First, I'm working on Win32 with C++.

I have been trying to implement a transparent window with a child window which should remain 100% opaque. It seems that child controls cannot have opacity better(lower) than the parent and if I make my parent 100% transparent then my child control also inherits the transparency.

Code that I use –

SetLayeredWindowAttributes(GetParent(parentWindowHwnd), 0, 0, LWA_COLORKEY, LWA_ALPHA); 

Any help?

Please also reply if I am not very clear with my question.

Best Answer

You can't do this unfortunately, child windows always have the same opacity as their parent. The Google Desktop Toolbar had a neat trick to give the illusion of an opaque textbox on a translucent background. They created two top level windows, one of the background and one for the textbox. Then they set the background window as the owner (not the parent) of the texbox. They then set the background as transparent. It's quite a bit of work to get right, but it's the only way to do it without rendering the whole thing yourself using UpdateLayeredWindow.