Visual-studio – How to create a Visual Studio Setup Project registry value with the application install path

installationregistrysetup-projectvisual studio

I have a very simple application installer that needs to add an action to the shell menu of all files (HKCR*\shell), and I've run into a brick wall: how do I insert the installed path of the application into a registry value? I've tried everything I can think of:

  • [Path]
  • [ApplicationFolder]
  • [ApplicationPath]
  • [InstallPath]
  • [InstallRoot]
  • [InstallFolder]
  • [InstallTarget]
  • [TargetPath]

I even tried adding one that I know works in other places ([Manufacturer]) to make sure that the bracket-values syntax actually works in the Registry (it does).

Anyone know, or at the least, have any ideas that I haven't tried?

Best Answer

The one you are looking for is [TARGETDIR]