R – How to create a wiki page (=item) in Sharepoint programmatically


how do I create a wiki page and add a title, as well as some content in sharepoint (via webservices)?

This is my SOAP message so far:


    <soap:listName>Cooking Wiki</soap:listName>

     <Batch OnError="Continue">
      <Method ID="1" Cmd="New">   
       <Field Name="WikiField">Mix two eggs and a cup of milk.</Field>


It creates a new page, but it has no content and no title.

Best Answer

Grab a copy of SharePoint Manager it can show you heaps of interesting info.

you want the Name field (it includes the ".aspx"). The title field is not relevant in a wiki (blank), pages are indexed by thier name instead.


Using the copy.asmx allows you to upload a new document. The template page is a page that has been downloaded previously (it stores no information, equivalent to a layout page).

private byte[] GetTemplatePage()
    FileStream fs = new FileStream("templatePage.aspx", FileMode.Open);
    byte[] fileContents = new byte[(int)fs.Length];
    fs.Read(fileContents, 0, (int)fs.Length);

    return fileContents;

private void UploadDoc(string pageName)
    byte[] wikiBytes = GetTemplatePage();

    string dest = "http://[website]/wiki/Wiki%20Pages/" + pageName + ".aspx";
    string[] destinationUrlArray = new string[] { dest };

    IntranetCopy.Copy copyService = new IntranetCopy.Copy();
    copyService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
    copyService.Url = "http://[website]/wiki/_vti_bin/copy.asmx";

    IntranetCopy.FieldInformation fieldInfo = new IntranetCopy.FieldInformation();
    IntranetCopy.FieldInformation[] fields = { fieldInfo };

    IntranetCopy.CopyResult[] resultsArray;
    copyService.Timeout = 600000;

    uint documentId = copyService.CopyIntoItems(dest, destinationUrlArray, fields, wikiBytes, out resultsArray);


Then you can call the lists.asmx to update the wikifield. Note: I have not figure out how to rename a document once it has been uploaded using webservices.

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