How to create an event log source using WiX


I'm creating an installer for a website that uses a custom event log source. I would like our WiX based installer to create that event log source during installation.

Does anyone know the best way to do this using the WiX framework.

Best Answer

Wix has out-of-the-box support for creating event log sources.

Assuming you use Wix 3, you first need to add a reference to WixUtilExtension to either your Votive project or the command line. You can then add an EventSource element under a component :

<Wix xmlns=""

    <Component ...>
        <util:EventSource Log="Application" Name="*source name*"
           EventMessageFile="*path to message file*"/>

If this is a .NET project, you can use EventLogMessages.dll in the framework directory as the message file.