R – How to create and access a Perl hash with scalar keys whose values are arrays


In Perl 5.10, how do I create and access a hash with scalar keys whose values are arrays?

#Doing this does not work properly.
%someHash= ("0xfff" => ('Blue', 'Red', 'Yellow'));
@arr = @fileContents{"0xfff"};
print @arr;

When I print the array, the only thing that prints is "ARRAY('randmemAddr')". When I do a foreach loop on @arr, only the first element is printed. I have then concluded that I have not stored the array properly in the hash.

Best Answer

My original answer posted working code, but didn't really explain the problem with yours. This is expanded a bit to correct that. Your example had two problems. First, you had a problem when making the reference. You need to use [ ] instead of the standard parentheses in order to create a reference (to an anonymous array). Second, when you tried to get at the reference, you left off one set of brackets. You want to put the reference itself inside @{ } in order to get at the whole array. (Also, and this may be a typo: you have no $ before filecontents.)

The code here is essentially from perldoc perldsc. I highly recommend it. Also very useful if you're new to references in Perl is perldoc perlreftut. Both tutorials discuss how to make and get at references in a variety of situations. Finally, you can find a good cheat sheet for references in a post on PerlMonks.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

my %HoA = (
    flinstones      => [ qw/fred barney/ ],
    jetsons         => [ qw/george jane elroy/ ],

for my $family (keys %HoA) {
    print "Members of the \u$family:\n";
    print "\t @{ $HoA{$family} }\n";