How to create sub-lists in sharepoint


Is it possible to create sub lists in sharepoint? I am currently using folders to organise my content but folders are a totally different concept in sharepoint when accessing them programactically.

I want to achieve something like:
—-List A
———Sub List 1
———Sub List 2
—-List B
———Sub List 1
———Sub List 2


I am trying have a sortable list directly below the web. Currently iam achieving this by creating a custom folder with a custom SortOrder Column and a Title. The folders Title ultimately will become the Section Title on the public site and the items within each folder will be the content underneath the section. Is there a better way to do something wich seem fairly trivial?

Thanks for your help

Edit 2 (response to jason):

Well we'd like to keep the content organised. Say we have a corporate leadership list. Within this list we have the Chairman, CEO, Directors folders. Then with each of these folders are the items (people). Is there a better way to organise this?

Best Answer

Specifically, no. You can't have nested lists in SharePoint.

However, there are a number of ways that you can get something that to end users is pretty similar. There are two options:

The first option is grouping. Include a column that you want to group by (e.g. for a list containing city names, you might want to group by state or country--or both), then setup a view to group by that (or those) columns.

The second way is to use two separate lists within the same site (must be same site) and link one to the other using a lookup column type (e.g. you create one list to hold a list of countries, one list to hold a list of states, and a third list to hold a list of cities that includes lookup columns for state and country). You can only have one level of lookup, so you can't, for example, have a lookup column for country on the state list and then link the state list to the city list AND display the country the city is in; you can display the state just fine (and if you create a calculated column on the state list to show "State, Country", then you can display the result in the city list) but that's all.

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