R – How to debug a NUnit unit test using resharper

debuggingnunitresharperunit testing

I am running VS2008 with Resharper 4.1, NUnit 2.2.7, coding in c#.

I would like to use an NUnit unit test as a debugging harness while I am developing the code.

My test is in a different project than the method being tested, but in the same solution.

I have put breakpoints into the unit test as well as the method being tested. VS is set to Debug.

When I run the unit test thru resharper (also choosing the debug option) the code where the breakpoint is set flashes on the screen, but does not pause and let me look at the values of variables.

What step(s) am I missing?

Best Answer

Left-click on the green symbol that shows by test methods and hit "Debug"

Alternatively you can select unit tests in "Unit Test Sessions" right-click and select "Debug Selected Tests".