How to delete a virtualbox machine in the GURU_MEDITATION error state


How do I delete a VirtualBox machine in the GURU_MEDITATION error state? Is it enough just to delete the directory while VirtualBox is not running?

EDIT: After posting, I deleted the entire directory that "Show in File Manager" navigates to.

It looks like:

Screenshot of Virtualbox Guru Meditation

Note that there is no power off, and even remove is greyed out. I believe this is the exact same as it looked even before I deleted the directory.

EDIT 2: I tried the command line poweroff after deleting the files. It hangs:

vboxmanage controlvm wmf-vagrant_1354733432 poweroff 0%…10%…20%…

EDIT 3: It also fails to unregister it from the command-line:

VBoxManage unregistervm wmf-vagrant_1354733432 –delete VBoxManage:
error: Cannot unregister the machine 'wmf-vagrant_1354733432' while it
is locked VBoxManage: error: Details: code VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE
(0x80bb0007), component Machine, interface IMachine, callee
nsISupports Context: "Unregister(fDelete ?
(CleanupMode_T)CleanupMode_DetachAllReturnHardDisksOnly :
ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aMedia))" at line 160 of file

Best Answer

Kill the VBoxHeadless process and run "vagrant destroy"

Destroying vagrant and sending the kill signal with the "killall" command looks like:

killall -9 VBoxHeadless && vagrant destroy