How to do Flex date deduction and addition


In flex, I am trying to do date deduction and addition, but couldn't find a way to do it.

public var dateNow:Date=new Date();

How can I get the Date 3 months earlier than dateNow?


Best Answer

You can use the Date constructor for this. The first argument to Date's constructor takes either a year or a timestamp. You can use the Date.time property to get the timestamp from a date object. Once you have the timestamp you can add/subtract some number of seconds from it, and then pass it to new Date(timestamp) and you get a brand new date which represents the new timestamp.

Edit; As a commenter pointed out, time manipulation may not be the best way to go. But you can still use the Date constructor as follows:

var now:Date = new Date();
var threeMonthsAgo = new Date(now.fullYear, 
                              now.month - 3,  

The Date constructor is smart enough to deal with negative values, or values greater than 11.

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