How to find the Target *.exe file of *.appref-ms


I have to make a backup of the program running from the file *.appref-ms
When I opened the file GitHub.appref-ms using a text editor I found, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8f45a2159c87c850, processorArchitecture=x86

Where is the target stored on the local disk?
Editing the PublicKeyToken resulted in Default or Null Icon.
Editing the URL resulted in "Application Cannot Start".
How is *.appref-ms targeting the Exe?
This doesn't answer my Question

Note: I tried opening the file offline, it still works perfectly.

Best Answer

Simple answer to this; I was trying to figure out the same thing, and it just hit me.

GitHub IS a program installed on your computer, and when it runs, it WILL use threads and RAM. So that makes it a process. All you have to do is open Task Manager, click the Processes tab, find 'Github.exe', right click, Open File Location. Voila! Mine is under the folder %LocalAppData%\Apps, about 4 layers deep.


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