R – How to force NHibernate to recognize db changes not made through NHibernate


I am implementing NHibernate into an existing web application. However, we have some other processes that do bulk inserting and updating on the database. How can I make NHibernate aware that changes are occurring on the backend db that were not initiated through NHibernate?

Most of the info that I have read around NHibernate use in asp.net have mentioned storing the Session object in the HttpContext or CallContext. This would then store the session object for the duration of the application lifecycle. This is what I have implemented. I was afraid of the costs of initializing NHibernate on each request. Isn't there a significant performance hit with this approach with initializing the Session object on each request?

Also, would it make more sense to store the SessionFactory in the the HttpContext or CallContext so that the mappings don't have to be regenerated on each request?

Best Answer

You shouldn't. NHibernate sessions are there to help you work in an ACID environment, which means that one transaction is not aware of any concurrent transactions. You should be using short sessions which do small sets of actions. You should not be holding sessions open for long periods of time. If you do need long periods of time for working with domain objects, then you should be detaching and then re-attaching the domain objects from and to different sessions.

Once you open a new session, any changes done to the database before the session was opened will be made available through NHibernate.