Gradle – How to force update all the snapshot Gradle dependencies in intellij


I have a project with SNAPSHOT dependencies using gradle as its build tool in intellij.

The problem is that intellij is using SNAPSHOTS that are now outdated.
enter image description here

When I build the project on the command line

gradle build or 
gradle clean build --refresh-dependencies

On command line the latest dependencies are fetched. I also setup my grade file to always download snapshot dependencies according to this answer.

How can I force intellij to download all dependencies?

Best Answer

In IntelliJ 2017.2 you can right-click on the project name in the Gradle Tool Window and select Refresh dependencies from the context menu.

Refresh Gradle dependencies in IntelliJ 2017.2

This will refresh all your dependencies, not only the SNAPSHOTS, so it might take a while. I don't know if other versions of IntelliJ also have this feature.