Oracle – How to generate entire DDL of an Oracle schema (scriptable)


Can anyone tell me how I can generate the DDL for all tables, views, indexes, packages, procedures, functions, triggers, types, sequences, synonyms, grants, etc. inside an Oracle schema? Ideally, I would like to copy the rows too but that is less important.

I want to do this on a scheduled job of some kind and not manually each time, so that rules out using the wizard in SQL Developer.

Ideally, since I will be running this on several schemas that have grants and synonyms to one another, I would like to have a way to do a find/replace in the output so the schema names match whatever the names of my new schemas are going to be.


Best Answer

You can spool the schema out to a file via SQL*Plus and dbms_metadata package. Then replace the schema name with another one via sed. This works for Oracle 10 and higher.

set long 100000
set head off
set echo off
set pagesize 0
set verify off
set feedback off
spool schema.out

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl(object_type, object_name, owner)
    --Convert DBA_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE to DBMS_METADATA object type:
        --Java object names may need to be converted with DBMS_JAVA.LONGNAME.
        --That code is not included since many database don't have Java installed.
            'DATABASE LINK',      'DB_LINK',
            'JOB',                'PROCOBJ',
            'RULE SET',           'PROCOBJ',
            'RULE',               'PROCOBJ',
            'CREDENTIAL',         'PROCOBJ',
            'CHAIN',              'PROCOBJ',
            'PROGRAM',            'PROCOBJ',
            'PACKAGE',            'PACKAGE_SPEC',
            'PACKAGE BODY',       'PACKAGE_BODY',
            'TYPE',               'TYPE_SPEC',
            'TYPE BODY',          'TYPE_BODY',
            'QUEUE',              'AQ_QUEUE',
            'JAVA CLASS',         'JAVA_CLASS',
            'JAVA TYPE',          'JAVA_TYPE',
            'JAVA SOURCE',        'JAVA_SOURCE',
            'JAVA RESOURCE',      'JAVA_RESOURCE',
            'XML SCHEMA',         'XMLSCHEMA',
        ) object_type
    from dba_objects 
    where owner in ('OWNER1')
        --These objects are included with other object types.
        and object_type not in ('INDEX PARTITION','INDEX SUBPARTITION',
        --Ignore system-generated types that support collection processing.
        and not (object_type = 'TYPE' and object_name like 'SYS_PLSQL_%')
        --Exclude nested tables, their DDL is part of their parent table.
        and (owner, object_name) not in (select owner, table_name from dba_nested_tables)
        --Exclude overflow segments, their DDL is part of their parent table.
        and (owner, object_name) not in (select owner, table_name from dba_tables where iot_type = 'IOT_OVERFLOW')
order by owner, object_type, object_name;

spool off

cat schema.out|sed 's/OWNER1/MYOWNER/g'>schema.out.change.sql

Put everything in a script and run it via cron (scheduler). Exporting objects can be tricky when advanced features are used. Don't be surprised if you need to add some more exceptions to the above code.

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