R – How to get Flex components to fill available space using Actionscript


I was laying out my Flex components using mxml and had them working correctly. But then I wanted to switch them over to Actionscript because I wanted them to extend a base component that provides default functionality.

I've go the code working except that my components that used to fill the entire space using width="100%" and height="100%" appear to display just using the default sizes. Do you know How I can get them to take up the entire space again?

Here is a test component I am playing with that exhibits the problem.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:bbq="components.*"
backgroundGradientColors="[#000000, #3333dd]"
minWidth="480" minHeight="320"
layout="vertical" verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="center"
paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="30" paddingBottom="0"
width="100%" height="100%" >

<mx:VBox backgroundColor="0xcccc66">
    <mx:ViewStack id="mainViewStack" width="100%" height="100%" color="0x323232">
        <bbq:TestComp id="testComp" height="100%" width="100%" />
        <bbq:ResultsBox />


package components {

import mx.containers.VBox;

import mx.containers.Panel;

import flash.events.*;

public class TestComp extends VBox {
    private var p:Panel;

    function TestComp(){
        percentHeight = 100;
        percentWidth = 100;

    override protected function createChildren():void {
        p = new Panel();
        p.percentHeight = 100;
        p.percentWidth = 100;
        p.title = "Test Comp";


Best Answer

Add inherited method calls; calls to super() methods;

import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.containers.Panel;
import flash.events.*;

public class TestComp extends VBox {
    private var p:Panel;

    function TestComp(){
        super(); // add this line

        percentHeight = 100;
        percentWidth = 100;

    override protected function createChildren():void {
        super.createChildren(); // add this line

        p = new Panel();
        p.percentHeight = 100;
        p.percentWidth = 100;
        p.title = "Test Comp";

In you mxml:

<local:TestComp width="100%" height="100%" />
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