R – How To Get Label Of Combobox to Fade In Flex


I've got a combo-box that sits inside of a panel in Flex 3. Basically I want to fade the panel using a Fade effect in ActionScript. I can get the fade to work fine, however the label of the combo-box does not fade. I had this same issue with buttons and found that their fonts needed to be embedded. No problem. I embedded the font that I was using and the buttons' labels faded correctly. I've tried a similar approach to the combo-box, but it does not fade the selected item label.

Here is what I've done so far:
Embed code for the font at the top of my MXML in script:

[Embed("assets/trebuc.ttf", fontName="TrebuchetMS")]
public var trebuchetMSFont:Class;

In my init function

//register the font.

The combobox's mxml:

<mx:ComboBox id="FilterFields" styleName="FilterDropdown" 
  left="10" right="10" top="10"
      <mx:Label fontSize="10" />

And a style that I wrote to get the fonts applied to the combo-box:

  embedFonts: true;
  fontFamily: TrebuchetMS;
  fontWeight: normal;
  fontSize: 12; 

The reason I had to write a style instead of placing it in the "FontFamily" attribute was that the style made all the text on the combo-box the correct font where the "FontFamily" attribute only made the items in the drop-down use the correct font.

Best Answer

You can often use <mx:Dissolve> instead of <mx:Fade>, it looks nearly identical and doesn't require embedded fonts.

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