R – How to get the Assembly version from the sln into a continuous integration labeller

assembliescontinuous integrationcruisecontrol.net

I want to obtain the assembly version from my solution and apply that to a cc.net label. I think I'm doing it backwards since all the info out there have the CI server set the version. But I'm not sure how to integrate different release versions and the development branch into CI. Every time we release we up the revision number. Would/should I add a new project in cc.net for every branch? Is there a way to automatically get the latest branch? Sorry for so many different questions in one…question. I'm new to this CI stuff.

Best Answer

You will find this all much easier if you switch to TeamCity. I've wrestled with so many nant scripts/cruisecontrol config files in the past I'm almost blind from angle brackets.

I cried like the accountant who was shown the first spreadsheet program when I started messing with TeamCity. It will make your life 1000% easier.

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