Jenkins – How to get the git latest commit message and prevent the jenkins build if the commit message contains [ci skip]


I tried to get the git commit message in jenkinsfile and prevent the build based on commit message.

env.GIT_COMMIT doesn't return the commit details in jenkinsfile.

How to get the git latest commit message and prevent the jenkins build if the commit message contains [ci skip] in it?

Best Answer

I had the same issue. I'm using pipelines. I solved this issue by implementing a shared library.

The code of the library is this:

// vars/ciSkip.groovy

def call(Map args) {
    if (args.action == 'check') {
        return check()
    if (args.action == 'postProcess') {
        return postProcess()
    error 'ciSkip has been called without valid arguments'

def check() {
    env.CI_SKIP = "false"
    result = sh (script: "git log -1 | grep '.*\\[ci skip\\].*'", returnStatus: true)
    if (result == 0) {
        env.CI_SKIP = "true"
        error "'[ci skip]' found in git commit message. Aborting."

def postProcess() {
    if (env.CI_SKIP == "true") {
        currentBuild.result = 'NOT_BUILT'

Then, in my Jenkinsfile:

pipeline {
  stages {
    stage('prepare') { steps { ciSkip action: 'check' } }
    // other stages here ...
  post { always { ciSkip action: 'postProcess' } }

As you can see, the build is marked as NOT_BUILT. You can change it to ABORTED if you prefer, but it cannot be set to SUCCESS because a build result can only get worse