R – How to go about diagnosing memory corruption errors occurring in a COM-DLL after porting it from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2009


I have just ported several of our home-made Outlook COM-addins from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2009 and am now experiencing some really weird errors (before you ask: none of which appear to have any obvious relationship to string-handling), for example modal dialogs that hang Outlook when one tries to invoke them a second time (the first time around everything appears to be fine) but only when they're invoked from one specific event handler and not when doing the same thing somewhere else. When I trace the error to a specific line of code and comment out that line or replace it with different code to the same effect (e.g. by copying code that would otherwise be called via a function directly to the calling site), the error will appear to go away – typically only to reoccur a couple of (equally inconspicuous looking) statements later.

When running this inside the Delphi debugger I can see that the freezes are often preceded by Access Violations in GetMem.inc . At least all of these issues are 100% reproducible…

Needless to say we had none of these issues when compiling these addins in Delphi 2007.

Now, I'm quite at a loss. I know I have just been lucky but even though I consider myself a fairly experienced programmer (though mostly in niche areas) I never really had to deal with this class of error before. As the title of this question says, I don't even really know where to start. I can step through the code as much as I like but the endless assembler statements mean nothing to me and neither am I proficient in effectively using the CPU view.

Furthermore, I don't even know for sure yet whether this is an issue with my own code to begin with (I actually tend to doubt it in this case). We are makign massive use of a number of third-party libraries (e.g. JCL, ADX, Redemption). ADX in particular still labels its Delphi 2009 support "beta".

I also tried using FastMM's FullDebugMode and indeed I did uncover a number of errors in ADX that way (e.g. blocks that were modified after having been freed) but all of these also occur when I compile with Delphi 2007 so it doesn't yet seem imperative that these are ultimately the cause for the observed regression.

So, how do I deal with this? – or better yet: Where can I find some good resources on learning how to deal with this? e.g. tutorials on using the CPU view or effectively interpreting and acting upon the reports put out by FastMM? Are these the correct tools at all? Where else should I look?

What types of code should I be suspicious of in this context? What kind of code even has the potential to wreak such havoc in memory? The only places I can think of where my code performs anything remotely approaching explicit memory manipulation is when reserving some buffer space in preparation of a WinAPI call. Also keep in mind that all of my code is identical between the Delphi 2007 and Delphi 2009 versions and the Delphi 2007 version exhibits no such problems.

With some probability the issue that prompted me to post this question has now been solved. See my own answer below.

Best Answer

The best tool for getting to a solution is probably memory breakpoints.

Debugging memory corruption is painful, so try to make your life as simple as possible first: find an exact, guaranteed-reproducible set of steps that work every time. If necessary, mock up the Outlook host so that you don't need to rely on Outlook timing issues or address space layout issues etc.

It's imperative that you get a reliably reproducible set of steps that results in an AV or other error at a predictable address.

What you then do is restart the process, create a memory breakpoint set for whatever referred to that address, and get familiar with the lifecycle of that chunk of memory. Minmizing and rationalizing your reproduction steps helps here. It may help to add other breakpoints and only enable the memory breakpoint later in the application; or use the logging features of D2009 breakpoints to log memory values / call stacks etc., rather than actually breaking into the debuggee.