Swift – How to import Swift code to Objective-C

importobjective cswift

I have written a library in Swift and I wasn't able to import it to my current project, written in Objective-C.

Are there any ways to import it?

#import "SCLAlertView.swift" - 'SCLAlertView.swift' file not found

Best Answer

You need to import ProductName-Swift.h. Note that it's the product name - the other answers make the mistake of using the class name.

This single file is an autogenerated header that defines Objective-C interfaces for all Swift classes in your project that are either annotated with @objc or inherit from NSObject.


  • If your product name contains spaces, replace them with underscores (e.g. My Project becomes My_Project-Swift.h)

  • If your target is a framework, you need to import <ProductName/ProductName-Swift.h>

  • Make sure your Swift file is member of the target