R – How to include 2 report formats on a single reporting services email subscription


I have a subscription set up in sql server reporting services to email me a report every morning in mthml format, which outlook will render out in an email. I also want this report to be emailed to me in pdf format so that I can save it.

Is it possible to set up a single subscription that includes both a pdf and mthml report format?

Best Answer

It appears that this would require a separate subscription because you are forced to choose a single "render format" per subscription.

options http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/4082/ssrsoptions.png

Now since the only goal of the PDF would be to save it, why not setup the second subscription to save to a network share rather than email? You could then simply view the report (MHTML) and look at the network for what you would have manually saved.

In this post here, someone suggested a data driven subscription may be able to do this for you. I've not spent time in that area before. Here is an article on MSDN about data driven subscriptions.