R – How to interpret error codes from FrontPage Extensions

asp.neterror handlingfrontpagesharepoint

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I'm using front page extensions to interact with SharePoint Services 3.0 as described here.

In most samples I have seen the client simply looks for particular English strings in the result and uses that to determine if an error has occurred. However, I am writing an application which may be widely deployed and put on non-English language SharePoint servers so I would like to use the returned error codes instead.

Unfortunately, the documentation for the error codes is very poorly defined. It contains such gems as:

Although many RPC protocol methods have unique error messages, most rely on a standard error message format to relay information if a method fails to complete properly.

Hrm, what would be this "standard error message format"…

The status is the error code from
FrontPage Server Extensions for the
condition encountered. osstatus is the
error code from the operating system..

also sadly entertaining:

In general, the codes are integer
values and the messages are text
strings that summarize the error.

but nowhere is a table which describes the possible content of these errors to be found.

It seems likely to me that the OS error code would be an HRESULT but I have no idea what to look for in terms of potential sources for SharePoint error codes. My only clue is that status=589826 seems to indicate that a file already exists.

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Best Answer

I guess it refers to this list of "standard" system error codes:
