R – How to load and external swf AND gotoAndPlay() with ONE button


I've made an interactive tour which can be seen here.

The main swf is the nav at the top. And I load 4 external swfs into the main (About, Rentals, Floorplan, Neighborhood).

I need a button in Floorplan.swf to load Rental.swf AND gotoAndStop("CAFE") – a frame within Rental.swf.

This is the code that I am working with right now:

btnFLRcafe.onRelease = function(){ 

var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); 

function onLoadComplete(loadedClip) { 

loader.loadClip("maps_92Tri_RentalsMain.swf", 1); 

The code will load the swf, but it DOES NOT gotoAndStop. I've rearrange and rewrote – nothing worked. When I put traces on the code, it seems that onLoadComplete isn't even being called. I am at a loss.

I can send files if needed.

Best Answer

Instead of having a method for onLoadComplete, try adding one called onLoadInit(loadedClip)

Here is some basic code for what I think you are trying to do. I have a main swf which has a button on the stage. On the button, I had the following actions...

on(release) {

    var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();

    function onLoadInit(loadedClip:MovieClip) {

    loader.loadClip("Loaded.swf", _root.contentArea);

In the main move, I have another clip on the stage named contentArea where the Loaded.swf file will be loaded in. Loaded.swf has a frame label called "ANIMATE" which starts a small animation on the timeline.

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