R – How to one use the “Add view” dialog in Visual Studio efficiently when working with ASP.NET MVC

asp.net-mvcusabilityuser interfacevisual-studio-2008

Does anyone else think that the add view dialog in VS is useless or is it just me?

Why is there no search/filtering in there? I can not even paste the type name (without namespace) there to speed up the view creation.

Plus, there are a lot of irrelevant classes there, including classes from all referenced libraries.

Am I missing something or Microsoft never did any usability testing with that??

Is it possible to filter out types/assemblies in the dialog and/or better navigation compared to manually scrolling the combobox with all the types listed? Is it possible to include only types from a particular directory/assembly/namespace? (the ViewModels namespace for example)

EDIT: As it seems from the answers that there is no usable workaround for this, I have filed a suggestion at Connect: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=507784

Please vote for the suggestion if you find this is an important issue.

Best Answer

  1. There is search/filter, but it's a "starts with" search. Start typing and the list will be filtered.
  2. You can paste the type name, but you do need the namespace.
  3. No, I don't think you can remove assemblies.

Could it be improved? Sure. Some of your suggestions are good, and you should consider filing Connect reports for them. Is it useless, IMHO, no.

I tried the dialog in VS2010. As of beta 2, it behaves the same as VS2008, AFAICS. So get your suggestions in soon!