Oracle – How to optimize query in Oracle with max in where clause


I am providing hypothetical table and query to explain my problem. Pardon me for any sntax error.

Dept table:

ID Dno Dname BDate   seq
1  1     A    5-Aug   0
2  1     B    3-Aug   0
3  1     B    7-Aug   1
4  1     C    2-Aug   0

Below query returns 1st, and 3rd, record from above table:

select * from Dept where BDate > (select mydate from other_table)
-- mydate is 4-Aug

Then I did below changes in the query to return 2nd record as well. Because for Dname 'B', we have one record with Bdate > 4-Aug.

select * from Dept D where
FROM Dept D1
WHERE D1.Dno = D.Dno
AND D1.Dname = D.Dname
) > (select mydate from other_table)

Above query works but it hit the performance. How could I optimize it.

I think of Union or moving max query to select part. But, not able to find a way.

Best Answer

Assuming I understand your logic correctly (that you want all rows for a given dno and dname if the max date is greater than a specified date) and that the query to retrieve the "mydate" returns a single row, I would do something like:

with     dept as (select 1 id, 1 dno, 'A' dname, to_date('05/08/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') bdate, 0 seq from dual union all
                  select 2 id, 1 dno, 'B' dname, to_date('03/08/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') bdate, 0 seq from dual union all
                  select 3 id, 1 dno, 'B' dname, to_date('07/08/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') bdate, 0 seq from dual union all
                  select 4 id, 1 dno, 'C' dname, to_date('02/08/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') bdate, 0 seq from dual),
  other_table as (select to_date('04/08/2015', 'dd/mm/yyyy') mydate from dual)
select id,
from   (select d.*,
               max(bdate) over (partition by dno, dname) max_bdate
        from   dept d)
where  max_bdate > (select mydate from other_table);

        ID        DNO DNAME BDATE             SEQ
---------- ---------- ----- ---------- ----------
         1          1 A     05/08/2015          0
         2          1 B     03/08/2015          0
         3          1 B     07/08/2015          0
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