R – How to pass constructor arguments with dependency injection using Castle.Windsor


I am wiring up my first SubSonic 3 application (in an ASP.NET MVC 1.0 front-end) and am looking at Rob's SimpleRepository. I'm using Castle.Windsor as an injection framework.

In my application startup, I configure Castle to bind a SubSonic SimpleRepository to a SubSonic IRepository. Nothing complicated there. However, the SimpleRepository has a ctor overload which takes two values: a connection string name and a set of SimpleRepositoryOptions. Not having dug too deep into Castle in the past, it's not clear if there is a way to specify the ctor arguments via configuration (or some other means).

Right now, I have a custom implementation of the SimpleRepository that explicitly creates a SimpleRepository with those arguments in it's parameterless ctor, but if I want to change these at any point in time, it requires changing the code and recompiling.

Is there a more elegant way to configure Castle to take constructor arguments?

Best Answer

If you're configuring Windsor using an XML file, you define your ctor arguments and their values like this:

<component id="repository" service="IRepository" type="SimpleRepository" ...>
        <connectionString>your connection string</connectionString>

See the Windsor configuration reference for more info:


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