R – How to rewrite a specific URL


I want to rewrite the following urls:

  • node/add
  • node/edit

To be something like
– content/add
– content/edit

I also use the prepopulation model, and would love to able to rewrite this URL:

  • node/add/single-gallery-image?edit[field_gallery_node_reference][0][nid]=48

To something like this:

  • content/add/image?n=48

Is this possible? If so, do I need some Drupal module for this, or will I have to take on the htaccess file?

Best Answer

With the pathauto module you are able create aliases for your urls. You can setup a lot of rules and should be able to get quite far with it. I'm not certain how well it integrates with the prepopulation model. But the rest should be quite easy.

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